If you’re new to eCycles,
you’re in the right place!

HOW TO PICK AN eCYCLE We're here to bring ease into your buying experience, whether it's your first or second time in the market for an eCycle. Below are some key items to consider when deciding which eCycle is best for you!
Quality The quality of the motor and frame is often reflected in the manufacturer's warranty. The longer the warranty the better the quality. Saying that, we believe the frame's material and type of motor are the second most important items to look at when purchasing your ecycle. First important item is the quality of the brakes because you want to make sure you are able to stop at any speed and safety should always come first. When it comes to frames, most ecycle frames are 6061 lightweight aluminum alloy which is extremely light, strong and will not rust.  As for the types of motors, there are rear hub drive or mid drive motors. The motor is what gives you the ability to tackle serious terrain so this for sure is a key feature of an ecycle that you'll want to look at. One thing we should mention when talking about motors is all our ecycles with pedals are pedal assist meaning the moment you start to pedal, if you have pedal assist on, the motor will engage to help you propel forward. There are different modes just like there are different gears when using pedal assist. The neat thing about pedal assist is it helps you ride longer and also helps you up those tough climbs. You'll want to make sure you buy quality first knowing you have a motor that can handle the path you choose, brakes that can stop at any speed and a frame that will last you awhile!
Battery We believe the battery is the third most important feature to consider when purchasing an ecycle, however, it's often overlooked by consumers. The battery is what gives range and power to the motor. If the battery is a smaller capacity your range is shortened meaning your ride won't be as long as you may want it to be and you'll have to give it a charge before you can go out again. The batteries we are sourcing are high quality and from well known manufacturers like LG, Panasonic and Samsung.
Use E-bike use has been on the rise over the years and what that means for the consumer is that they continue to get better and better. Their use, style and the sense of freedom they bring to the rider is undeniably one of their best and most attractive qualities. To give you an idea, today, you can find e-bikes that will: bring you to and from the grocery store, to and from work or dropping kids off at school. There are e-bikes for the outdoor enthusiast, off-road dirt bikes, on and off road mountain bikes, bmx bikes for the track or even just to cruise around town with buddies. Our step through e-bikes or trikes help those with physical mobility restrictions and we even have the lifestyle bikes styled like café racers that you could go out on the town and have ice cream with your friends. There truly seems to be an e-bike for everyone!
Terrain When we think about terrain the first thing that comes to mind is the simple question of what path you are going to be riding. It may seem like a little question but in the big picture it could change the e-bike purchase you make. Let's explore this a bit more. If you were to say the terrain you will be riding is going to be hilly, narrow paths, rocky, or has smooth paths the e-bike features you choose are going to be different because each e-bike has been made for a specific purpose. So ask yourself as a rider what terrain you will often or preferably be riding before you purchase your e-bike. The answers will help you decide what features you will need like the kind of tires you are going to need, how good of a suspension system you should have and more. I'd even go as far to suggest that you include factoring weather into this question as that will change some of the features you either do or don't have on your e-bike. So what terrain do you want to ride? We likely have a great e-bike just for you.
Size E-bikes are not one size fits all. Making sure your e-bike fits you is important so you can feel comfortable on every ride. Bike fitting can feel like a large topic. You'll want to make sure you don't miss a couple of things. Make sure you can straddle your e-bike with your feet flat on the floor. If the e-bike has a traditionally straight top tube that is parallel to the ground or for that matter a sloping top tube you should give yourself approximately 1-2 inches of clearance between the ground and tires when you lift the bike as you're straddling it. If you have an e-bike with full suspension it's okay to have less than 2 inches of clearance because the suspension compresses under your weight once you sit on it. Don't forget to keep in mind that terrain will have an affect on the height you are seeking. For example, if you are going up a dramatic slope you'll have more room than if you are on flat terrain. If you want to measure this at home you could: stand against a wall, use a pencil to mark the wall as if you were sitting on a seat of a bike and measure from the floor up to the mark made and this would be your inseam which is effectively the same as your stand over height on an e-bike.  You might also want to check to see if the seat height is adjustable and if the handlebars can adjust. If so, and you need an adjustment, you can loosen the bolts to raise or lower the seat post and/or handlebars as needed. Be careful not to raise either too high or too low and don't forget to tighten the bolts back up before you ride.
Style The manner which you ride, the appearance you've designed and even how you show up is defined as your style. Most e-bikes are designed and styled with the rider in mind. There are: lifestyle e-bikes, daily commuter e-bikes, off road use only e-bikes and other e-bikes designed for track use only. Because there are so many options for riders the question becomes, what style of e-bike do you ride or want to ride?
eCycle Safety eCycles are super accessible and no special license is needed in most jurisdictions. However, there are some safety tips that are good to know.
The advantages of an eCycle over a pedal
Getting to know safety laws local to you
Helmets & other personal safety
ㅤLearning to ride! ㅤGo with confidence
Learning to be in control of your speed
How to prepare for your ride
Understanding your eCycle battery
Defensive driving to keep you & others safe
How to Care For Your eCycle It doesn't take much effort to keep your eCycle in top condition, but there are a few things you can do to ensure longevity and performance!
Washing - the no’s and go’s of proper care
Routine things to care for
Overall care for your eCycle tires
Overall care for your eCycle battery
eCYCLING IN CANADIAN CONDITIONS Canada has a wide range of seasonal conditions to consider! Read up below to go out prepared.
Summer Many riders will put their e-bikes to more use during the summer months than in the winter and later fall months in Canada.

When riding during the summer it is important to be mindful of the length of time that you are spending out in the sun and that you maintain hydration. Heat stroke is no fun for anyone, especially the person that gets heat stroke.

Some other aspects to be mindful of while enjoying the summer heat is to consider using sunscreen, wearing proper cycling clothes, having a good pair of sunglasses with you, having a helmet that has a visor to help block the sun and choosing to pick your ride times wisely avoiding high sun and heat times.

Combining e-bike rides to your exercise routine is a great way to get outdoors, be in the sun and enjoy a lot of fun!
Winter Canadian winters come with a lot of snow, ice and rain that make the ride of an e-bike a bit more challenging for the beginner rider. The more advanced riders take on the challenge that winter brings but do so by thinking of a few additional things. When riding in the winter there are factors that you have to think about such as having winter tires, ensuring you've maintained and cared for your e-bike, having an extra battery as the life of the battery is less when they are cold and more. In addition they also need to make sure they are dressing for the weather. When looking to get into winter riding make sure you have taken the time to ensure you e-bike is properly equipped so you can handle the colder weather and the challenges that come with it.
Off-Road Off road ecycling requires a lot of upper body strength to withstand the bumpy terrain. Riders are often lifting their front wheel over various obstacles climbing up or down hills and will need to adjust how they use their power when tackling a steep climb or rough terrain. Canada is full of great locations where the beginner to the avid off road rider can hone in on their skills. Whether you like to play in the mud or bring a whole lot of attitude to wherever your path leads there are a lot of ebikes specially made for off road use. When it comes to speed, taking it slow isn't always safe, and taking it fast also isn't always safe. It's about learning how to control the beautiful machinery you are on and even more difficult learning to control yourself during the ride.